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But I did enjoy my cloudy (and a few sunny) days back East! My parents are on a mission to Boston area, living in a quaint town a few hours away. They showed my sister and me a great time. Hiking in scenic woods, driving through the several colleges in the vicinity, going through Emily Dickinson's house, touring a chilly Boston, going out on a harbor cruise, eating gummies, enjoying my parents tilted floors in their antique home, driving some more...and do you know how driving can actually be a calming and enjoyable thing when kids aren't in the car (and when you're not the one stressing the city driving- thanks Dad). Same with flying, of course, though that can never be totally calming when you're always a little bit afraid you're going to die. But off track there. And what's with Southwest being the only airline offering us free snacks? Not lovin' the peanuts and pita chips, but at least they didn't charge money! Stinkin' Continental. Plus they were charging 8 dollars to watch tv. The nerve!
Saturday was the day I was in four states. MA, CT, NY, and staying in NJ with my sister and her enthusiastic husband and irresistible kids. It sometimes is hard being their favorite aunt when Megan is around feeling a little left out of all the fun. We got to go to the Jersey Shore, though no one could call that day a beach day. It was pretty though! It is a fascinating culture out in the East. So many people want to live out there, not because of the people themselves, but because everyone else wants to? I don't know, but they just can't leave. They can't see what's out west. They are captive to the draws of the Big City....and I totally get that, but it is still amazing that people want to pay all the expenses to live there. It is costly!
Anyway, I had prayed that everyone would stay well so I could go on the trip and it all went smoothly, until BAM, Isabelle came home an hour before I had to leave. She had a high fever at school. I was sad to leave Isabelle, but she was in good hands. Her father's. Olivia fell sick a few hours later, then the two boys on Saturday night-Sunday. Russell's grand plans of bike training and bike-buying and family fun were thwarted somewhat, but they still had a great time. Thanks Russell- couldn't have had this good trip without you taking a "vacation" from work. So yeah..those prayers worked in a different way, but worked nonetheless because the trip happened, and I had a great time with my parents and sisters. Now back to the rain...
Pretty sure the favorite aunt would be the one who played Pooh Bear Uno for several hands.....
You know I'm with you on the airplane snacks. Who wants to pay for a bag of peanuts, for pete's sake?
And congrats to you on not freaking out so much about the fact that all your kids were sickies while you were away. In fact, you probably should leave home more often when they're sick. Then you wouldn't stress about how many imaginary germs they were passing around....
That's so great that you got to see your mom and dad! They are so awesome and I'm so excited that they're on another mission. I've always wanted to go out there.
I was watching Oprah yesterday (insert groan here) and she interviewed Ralph Lauren. He's a total New Yorker but realized how amazing the West is and has this huge ranch in Colorado. I thought it was so interesting how he loves it so much out there and feels like it brings him a peace he can never find back East.
darn PJ! commented on your post while I stepped away. Apparently he writes like he talks.
I am glad you had a great time with your parents and sisters. I may be a tad bit jealous.
You forgot to mention that you are freakishly strong and can do lots of man push ups.
How fun! Your parents are amazing! Glad I'm not the only one terrified of flying. I think it might be my turn for a vacay from the kids...
I'm glad you got to go on the trip with Megz. It is hard to leave sick kids -- we've done it a couple of times. I feel sorry for the caregiver and the kids. Fevers are better than stomach flu though -- they make people sleepy. I'm glad you decided to write. I'm hoping the sun will come out tomorrow!
Wow! I am so impressed that you had sick kids at home and you still managed to appear happy and carefree---except for that freaky moment where you just started talking to me in the middle of the night from the dark kitchen in which you were lurking...
all this fun travel stuff is making me just a little jealous... not "envious" though - because that would be a sin. glad you guys got to go and enjoy yourselves, and that R could handle the kids without complaint :)
So glad you had a great trip. A little jealous, too.
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