Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new

I love MS days. You know, when the MS truck comes and gets the pile of stuff you've wanted to take to DI forever but who has time to drop stuff off at DI? So when I get that phone call from MS I am more than happy to scour my house for more goodies to donate to make their trip out here worth it, and to make me feel like I just deep-cleaned my house, one of my favorite feelings in the world (don't we all love it?). Here's how I do it, because this is something any person with a home needs to do to de-junkify:

  • First, numb yourself. That's right...don't do this when you're sad, solemn, nostalgic, loving, etc. This is much easier if you go through this process as unbiased and indifferent as possible.
  • Look through all your board and card games. Look again, because 1/3 of those babies you have not played this year, or the last. Time to give it up. Don't have it "just to have it". If you were lucky and it still has its shrink-wrap on, you can re-gift it this Christmas.
  • Go through all your kids' stuffed animals. There are a few there from teachers and from dollar stores and from Easter baskets that aren't getting the love more than a couple times a year. Your kids won't notice their absence. Ok...they will, but just for a screaming short-moment. Don't tell me they don't have 10 other stand-bys in line for lovin'.
  • Look through your kitchen. Pots and pans, plates...drawers of measuring many do you really need? It is so nice to have LESS STUFF in the kitchen, because it is the place that is constantly increasing with stuff.
  • Look through old books/dvds. Time to give away the vhs. Time to give away those books by Nicholas Sparks and Richard Paul Evans. How many times do you want to re-live a doomed romance or a sappy plot?
  • Clothes. This is my favorite part. The more you get rid of, the more empty your closet is and needs a re-fill. Justified shopping!
  • The husband's stuff. This is the hard part, because they are more difficult than the kids when they find out you got rid of their stuff. Who knew? Even if they never use it or never will. Beware of sentimental attachments they have with "stuff" (I can't mention item(s) to protect husband's identity). I still don't get it. Item is in back of storage gathering dust and mites and rendering itself even more useless, yet husband refuses to let item go. I feel angered that I can't win this battle, but won't give up just yet. MS comes every few months.
So, that's where I am with all of this. What a joy losing excess baggage around the homestead. No one can see the difference but me, but I can FEEL it too!

Can't wait to go shopping. Need some new shoes, new jeans, and maybe a few new books...


Megz said...

How come you are giving clothes to MS when you have a sister who could wear them?
And we know you aren't giving away those Nicholas Sparks novels. What would you read when you need a good cry?
Amen to all the other stuff. Love the MS truck meself.
Oh yeah. My Hub gets very very mad when I suggest his things for MS. There are some places you just can't go to keep the marital peace.

Melissa Rees said...

I can't believe I actually HAVE Nicholas Sparks books to give away! Why do I read them in the first place?! I've been trying to get Terry to clean out his closet, but to no avail. I guess I'll just have to do it myself and suffer the we're outta hangers.

Michelle said...

I must not be cool enough to know who Nicholas Sparks is. I don't know about you, but I hate clear outs. I'm like the hubs on this one. That's MY stuff and I might need it one day.

Maria said...

Nicholas Sparks = me throwing up in my mouth a little. I know, I have no soul.

You should start a business helping hoarders clean out their junk. Your no-nonsense attitude will get them shaped up in a jiff!

Hayley said...

Come on over and de-junk my house! Unfortunately, I have a good sized storage room, so it is easier to hold on to things just because I have room! Ugh....

rut said...

I just hope I'm never out of town when the MS truck comes, or else I'm afraid I'll never see Fred, the awesome dog my mom sewed for me when I was 5, again.

Daralyn said...

You have guts, girl. My weakness is clothes. I have a hard time getting rid of them! My theme is YOU NEVER KNOW!!!!

stephanie said...

Good solid advice! There are definitely some things I can't part with, but for the most part I say "goodbye"

Tonya said...

I want to know more about this Item... because I'm afraid I might be siding with him on this one... drives Quinn crazy because if it were up to him all of our books would fit on one shelf. The very thought of giving up my precious books (none of which by Nicholas Sparks) gives me chills.

Diana said...

If Bryon ever reads this post, he will tell me you are just as heartless as I am. I don't care if Grandma made it! If it is so old and decayed that everyone is afraid to touch it, it HAS TO GO!

LC said...

You are so funny.
And what a great cause to donate to.
BD has made me get rid of stuff like old school reports or awards that I was proud of or books. And I wish I still had that poncho from Chile. Sure I never wore it but it would have come in handy for our lesson about South America!

LC said...

I wish I could fit into your old clothes!

Megan said...

Good advice. I'm curious what "rut" is holding onto! We are prone to some sentimentality, it is true. I'm all about getting rid of stuff, because then if you have to move, it isn't as painful!